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Emergency response officer - Basic

NIBHV Certification

Company emergency responders are trained to have an outpost function within the company.
They take measures to prevent worse.
Company emergency responders can make a difference if there is a calamity within your company.
They use First Aid in the event of accidents, they fight an incipient fire or evacuate a building or site.
If necessary, they alert the fire brigade, police and ambulance.

Emergency response officer - Basic

Good company emergency response is literally of vital importance to your employees and organization. Company emergency responders cause the possible consequences for the damage within your company.

Every company with employees is required by the Working Conditions Act to arrange company emergency response. The number of emergency response personnel is determined by the RI&E within your company. In this way, you comply with the mandatory guidelines!
The emergency response organization must appear at incidents that occur in your company.

Emergency response officers (EROs) are regular employees. They take action when something happens on the company’s premises: fire breaks out, someone is hurt, or an evacuation is necessary. They know what to do in the event of a fire or if someone faints. In the event of an evacuation, the EROs ensure that everyone leaves the building safely.

EROs generally reach the scene of an incident before the fire brigade, ambulance or police and can make a significant difference in the early stages of an incident. EROs are trained to function as the advance guard during incidents, until the emergency services arrive. They take measures to minimize injury and damage.

The following topics will be covered during this course:

  1. Emergency first aid
    Emergency first aid covers cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This component also discusses what to do in the event of choking, shock, angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, epilepsy, diabetes and brain damage.
  2. Non-emergency first aid
    Non-emergency first aid involves the assessment and treatment of non-life-threatening conditions such as wounds, eye injuries, bruises/bruising, sprains, fractures or burns.
  3. Evacuation
    In the event of an evacuation, there should always be a general evacuation procedure describing what the emergency response officer needs to do in the event of an evacuation. Evacuation facilities and equipment are also covered, as well as collaboration with external emergency services.
  4. Firefighting
    The firefighting component teaches what you need to take into account when you receive notification of a fire on your company’s premises. When are you justified in attempting to extinguish a fire? In which cases should you immediately commence evacuation? You’ll learn which fires you can extinguish, and how to do so. Naturally, the course also covers the risks of extinguishing a fire. After all, your own safety always comes first.

Before the start of the course, we will discuss your personal wishes within your organization.

Your benefits:

  • We are a NIBHV quality mark training institute
  • Our courses are ISO 9001:2015 certified
  • Annually current new varied program
  • Professional teachers with the necessary practical experience
  • Your employees are NIBHV certified.

All our instructors work in professional emergency services.
In the First Aid section, there is a Lotus victim & in the Fire Fighting section, there is a safety officer present!
There is ample opportunity for each student to get started and practice.
In the Fire Fighting section, students will also extinguish a fire themselves.
Realistic practice with extensive staging provides added value to this day.

We will keep you informed annually when your diploma is extended again.

Donderdag 9 januari 2025 | B&O
Donderdag 16 januari 2025 | SEH & NSEH

Medicall Life Support | Kesteren
Incl. coffee/tea and luxury lunch
On location? Ask about the possibilities.

Incl. NIBHV textbook and diploma, own learning environment and physical NIBHV pass.

On request

2 days (8.30am - 4.30pm)

  • 8 hours First Aid incl. AED use
  • 8 hours Firefighting and Evacuation

Both days will conclude with an exam.

Candidates with a first aid certificate are exempt from the First Aid component.
Candidates as fire brigade are exempt from the Firefighting & Evacuation component.

You will receive a NIBHV book in advance and after completing the course you will receive the NIBHV certification card.


voor de cursus